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Digital Health Catalyst Projects

With the DayOne Health Data Futures initiative, we offer a framework for navigating towards a prosperous health data future.

Digitalization is driving exponential growth in the availability of health data and has the potential to radically transform patients’ lives, health industries and enable the creation of new business ecosystems. In this rapidly changing environment, it is critical for the public, businesses, and governments, to understand the potential of this transformation.

The future landscape of health data depends on multiple complex societal, technological, environmental, and political factors and is therefore associated with tremendous uncertainties.

To help address these uncertainties, DayOne launched in 2020 the Health Data Scenarios project. Our goal is to offer an insight into the future of health data, educate the public and provide guidance for concrete decision-making both for private and public organizations, in order to help accelerate digital health innovation in Europe. During the scenario process involving 50 + representatives of the healthcare ecosystems in Switzerland, Germany, and France, we created ten scenarios describing the future of health data.

Want to participate? Apply here

Health Data Scenario Report

If you missed the DayOne Expert Event on the Health Data Scenario, you can watch it here

Shaping the health data furute - the DayOne Scenarios

For the full report, please contact us here.

And if you want to have a more summarized version of the outcome of our workshops, just download our Executive summary here.

What’s next?

In 2022 we start a new series of events called “Health Data Futures”. It aims to provide concrete recommendations for the health data ecosystem in Europe in terms of Framework Conditions required for accelerating digital health innovation. The project will do so by:

  • Inquiring about the state of the art of health data including ongoing developments and implementations in the tech industry and the academic world.
  • Identifying concrete gaps and designing potential areas of cooperation to develop the appropriate framework conditions for digital health innovation.

Discover the Health Data Future together with:

  • The life science and IT industries
  • University and regional hospitals
  • Innovative startups
  • Academia
  • Governments
  • Regulatory bodies

And get the most valuable insights for your organization!

Program 2022

  • Our first event for partners takes place in February
  • Launch Scenarios in May
  • Workshop: Challenges Facing the Health Data Future in June
    1. Identify challenges associated with future scenarios
    2. Identify existing solutions & initiatives for these challenges
  • Workshop: Innovation Gaps in the future of health in September/October
    1. Recognize the gaps associated with the challenges
    2. Identify gaps common to the most realistic scenarios
  • Validate the gaps to be identified in solutions takes place in November
Want to participate? Apply here


Strategic Partners

Gold Partners

Silver Partner

Outcome for 2023

Identification and framework to source and develop collaborative solutions as a consortium partner in future impactful areas.

Would you like to join our community of experts? Are you…

…in academia and working on Health Data

…a Healthcare or IT specialist

…working in Big Tech (Amazon, Facebook, Google)

…a Data Scientist

…simply interested to hear more about this project


Launch a Digital Health Catalyst Project

Pascal Clisson

Manager Innovation Projects

Email Pascal

Do you have a question? Get in touch

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