Testing the hypotheses that have been developed and described in a venture's business model and value proposition canvas is a key step in going from crazy idea to sustainable business.
Each time a venture tests their hypothesis they move one step closer to finding the right product, customer or business model. The promise of the lean startup and other modern product/service and design methodologies is that by making small tests and iterating a team can move more quickly and cheaply to the right solution and avoid costly mistakes.
After an introduction from the DayOne accelerator team we were joined by Darci McKittrick from Invacare who has been successfully building the internal innovation muscle at Invacare for the last few years. Invacare is the global leader in home and long care products. More information about Invacare here. Darci gave us some great practical tips and shared her experience developing a number of products and services. As Christian Vogler one of our accelerator ventures said, “It was amazing what we learnt from someone making wheelchairs”.
More info on the accelerator here. See below for presentations on the day.
Materials from Orange Hills who helped Invacare build their innovation process are available here.
Testing workshop dayone final accelerator 26022019 from dayonebasel