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Join us on this journey which will seek to help seek out innovative solutions that can help with both functional and psycho-social well-being. As we get older we want to both remain active and engaged in our communities, as well as to be able to stay at our own homes. As the aging population grows, we must also make sure the resources that are used to manage health are allocated the best way possible.

Why: Aging

The ongoing aging demographic is a challenge to individuals and families, healthcare and social care systems, and their financing due to burden of age related care, health diseases and chronic health conditions. Fortunately, the aging demographic also opens up new initiatives and opportunities for active and healthy aging, including social innovation, along with coproduction of health, industry, markets, exports, business, growth and new jobs (1).

What? Aging Well

There is an opportunity for innovative approaches to maintain older people in their own homes for as long as possible. Examples are smart homes supporting independent living; service robotics; health innovations including e-health; wellness; safety; personal and autonomous transport, and financial products.

How? The Aging Well Catalyst Project

A series of five workshops that bring together different stakeholders (public health, hospitals, senior care, pharma, technology, general public, etc.) to identify and elevate the innovation needs and opportunities in the field of aging and design collaborative approaches to tackle them.

The selected themes are:

  • Mobility,
  • Smart Living,
  • Social Activities,
  • Nutrition,
  • and Wealth Management

We are already making plans for our first workshop that will focus on Individual Mobility on 26 Feb, as we bring together different stakeholders to identify and elevate the innovation needs and opportunities in this field and design collaborative approaches to tackle them.

Our Catalyst team members:

Safia Agueni: Digital transformation Consultant

Mieke Deschodt: Research Fellow Nursing Science (INS) University Basel an Gerontology and Geriatrics KU Leuven

Valentin Splett: Healthcare Innovation Consultant, Startup Coach

Cecile Tardy: Patient Centricity & Digital Health Transformation Catalyst


Sources: 1.